The HeavenHR public REST API for accessing and storing employee and company data
Last Updated: 2020-11-30
Customers can access a number of publicly exposed HeavenHR endpoints to facilitate data sharing and synchronization
Contact information:
Access Control
# example nodeJS code to generate api key from client id and client secret
var CryptoJS = require("crypto-js");
var client_id = ("heavenHr_clientId");
var client_secret = ("heavenHr_clientSecret");
var rawStr = client_id + ":" + client_secret;
var utf8Str = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(rawStr);
var heavenHrApiKey = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(utf8Str);
console.log('encrypted:', heavenHrApiKey);
# Before your application can access private data using a HeavenHR API,
# it must obtain an access token that grants access to that API.
curl ""
-X GET -H "Authorization: Basic heaven_hr_api_key"
Obtain OAuth 2.0 credentials for the company. Contact the customer care for getting your client id and client secret
Generate the api key using client id and client secret. Obtain an access token using api key.
Access token need to be passed to all the subsequent API calls.
Refresh the access token, if necessary
HeavenHR expects for the authorization key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:
Health Check
To verify the status of the API, verify the following returns a 200 response.
curl ''
> Returns the following for a healthy response:
"message": "OK"
Create a new employee
curl ' -X POST '
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"startDate": "2017-04-13",
"endOfContract": "2022-04-13",
"professionalEmail": "",
"jobTitle": "Head of Sales",
"permanentOrTemporary": "PERMANENT",
"streetPersonal": "Griefwalderstrasse",
"streetNumberPersonal": 219,
"additionalContractInformation": "The employee has the right to take leave 24 days a year.",
"locationId": "_bE1Zi2WRANH76y0vDbdEdA_",
"employeeNumber": 716,
"gender": "MALE",
"nationality": "DE",
"occupation": "Manager",
"firstName": "Max",
"fullTimeOrPartTime": "FULL_TIME",
"employmentType": "FREELANCER",
"lastName": "Musterman",
"jobStatus": "CREATED_EXISTING",
"mobileWork": 63121,
"dateOfBirth": "1984-07-17",
"departmentId": "_EaH3L12VPSVhuSDPqkKIdg_",
"phonePersonal": 4921348182,
"costCenterId": "_3q4nkYvIocIJDUhyZJh5dQ_",
"email": "",
"sendOnboardingEmail": true,
"customAttributes": [
"id": "_Aeqew@adq3dsfADRaqw",
"name": "Customer attribute Name",
"value": "I am superman"
"contract": {
"grossSalary": 80000,
"settlementPeriodSalary": "perYear",
"holidaysPerYear": 24,
"workingHoursPerWeek": 40,
"probationPeriod": "6Months",
"noticePeriodDuringProbation": "4Weeks",
"noticePeriodDuringProbationStart": "endOfWeek"
"workSchedule": {
"scheduledDate": "2017-04-15",
"days": [
"dayOfWeek": "MONDAY",
"worktimeInMinutes": 380
"dayOfWeek": "FRIDAY",
"worktimeInMinutes": 360
"defaultSchedule": "TRUE"
POST /employees/
Description: Add an employee to your company, and send an email for the employee to register with HeavenHR.
Name | Description | Required | Schema |
body | Employee to be added to the company | Yes | EmployeeCreatedRequest |
Code | Description | Schema |
201 | The submitted employee has been created | CreateEmployeeResponse |
400 | The submitted employee record is invalid | CreateEmployeeResponse |
403 | Invalid permissions. The key you are using is incorrect, or only has read access granted |
Get a employee
curl '{employee_id}'
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"startDate": "2017-04-13",
"endOfContract": "2022-04-13",
"professionalEmail": "",
"jobTitle": "Head of Sales",
"permanentOrTemporary": "PERMANENT",
"streetPersonal": "Griefwalderstrasse",
"streetNumberPersonal": 219,
"additionalContractInformation": "The employee has the right to take leave 24 days a year.",
"locationId": "_bE1Zi2WRANH76y0vDbdEdA_",
"employeeNumber": 716,
"gender": "MALE",
"nationality": "DE",
"occupation": "Manager",
"firstName": "Max",
"fullTimeOrPartTime": "FULL_TIME",
"employmentType": "FREELANCER",
"lastName": "Musterman",
"jobStatus": "CREATED_EXISTING",
"mobileWork": 63121,
"dateOfBirth": "1984-07-17",
"departmentId": "_EaH3L12VPSVhuSDPqkKIdg_",
"phonePersonal": 4921348182,
"costCenterId": "_3q4nkYvIocIJDUhyZJh5dQ_",
"email": "",
"sendOnboardingEmail": true,
"customAttributes": [
"id": "_Aeqew@adq3dsfADRaqw",
"name": "Customer attribute Name",
"value": "I am superman"
"contract": {
"grossSalary": 80000,
"settlementPeriodSalary": "perYear",
"holidaysPerYear": 24,
"workingHoursPerWeek": 40,
"probationPeriod": "6Months",
"noticePeriodDuringProbation": "4Weeks",
"noticePeriodDuringProbationStart": "endOfWeek"
"workSchedule": {
"scheduledDate": "2017-04-15",
"days": [
"dayOfWeek": "MONDAY",
"worktimeInMinutes": 480
"dayOfWeek": "FRIDAY",
"worktimeInMinutes": 360
"defaultSchedule": "TRUE"
Description: Find employee by ID and return all the employee details
GET /employees/{id}
Name | Description | Required | Schema |
id | The ID of employee to return | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success | Employee |
400 | Invalid ID supplied | |
404 | Employee not found |
Update a employee
curl '{employee_id} -X PATCH'
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"startDate": "2017-04-13",
"endOfContract": "2022-04-13",
"professionalEmail": "",
"jobTitle": "Head of Sales",
"permanentOrTemporary": "PERMANENT",
"streetPersonal": "Griefwalderstrasse",
"streetNumberPersonal": 219,
"additionalContractInformation": "The employee has the right to take leave 24 days a year.",
"locationId": "_bE1Zi2WRANH76y0vDbdEdA_",
"employeeNumber": 716,
"gender": "MALE",
"nationality": "DE",
"occupation": "Manager",
"firstName": "Max",
"fullTimeOrPartTime": "FULL_TIME",
"employmentType": "FREELANCER",
"lastName": "Musterman",
"jobStatus": "CREATED_EXISTING",
"mobileWork": 63121,
"dateOfBirth": "1984-07-17",
"departmentId": "_EaH3L12VPSVhuSDPqkKIdg_",
"phonePersonal": 4921348182,
"costCenterId": "_3q4nkYvIocIJDUhyZJh5dQ_",
"email": "",
"sendOnboardingEmail": true,
"customAttributes": [
"id": "_Aeqew@adq3dsfADRaqw",
"name": "Customer attribute Name",
"value": "I am superman"
"contract": {
"grossSalary": 80000,
"settlementPeriodSalary": "perYear",
"holidaysPerYear": 24,
"workingHoursPerWeek": 40,
"probationPeriod": "6Months",
"noticePeriodDuringProbation": "4Weeks",
"noticePeriodDuringProbationStart": "endOfWeek"
"workSchedule": {
"scheduledDate": "2017-04-15",
"days": [
"dayOfWeek": "MONDAY",
"worktimeInMinutes": 480
"dayOfWeek": "FRIDAY",
"worktimeInMinutes": 360
"defaultSchedule": "TRUE"
PATCH /employees/{id}
Description: Update the details of a specific employee. This will only update the fields that are sent, including fields for Contract and WorkSchedule
Name | Description | Required | Schema |
id | The ID of employee to update | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Success | EmployeeUpdate |
400 | Invalid ID supplied | |
404 | Employee not found |
Get all employees
curl ' -X GET'
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 200,
"totalItems": 23,
"totalPages": 1,
"data": [
"id": "_CNr_06hxMX3DXdrkbY4FQw_",
"firstName": "aaaaa First Name",
"lastName": "aaaaa last Name",
"employeeNumber": 1,
"jobStatus": "CREATED_EXISTING",
"updatedAt": "2018-09-25T12:17:26.522",
"departmentName": "IT",
"departmentId": null,
"email": ""
"id": "_QU3zYEuk2WPclWSMv7vJQw_",
"firstName": "bbbb First Name",
"lastName": "last Name",
"employeeNumber": 3,
"jobStatus": "HIRED",
"updatedAt": "2018-09-25T12:18:17.059",
"departmentName": "Sales",
"departmentId": null,
"email": ""
Find all employees in a sorted, paginated list by zero or more of the specified filters and return with limited fields
GET /employees
Description: Returns a list of employees with limited fields
Name | Description | Required | Schema |
page | The current page number. Zero-indexed, so the first page is 0 | No | integer |
pageSize | How many items are in each page | No | integer |
employeeNumber | Returns the employee with this employee number | No | string |
departmentId | Returns all employees with this department id | No | string |
jobStatus | The status of employee | No | string |
startDate | Returns all employees with this start date | No | dateTime |
updatedAt | Returns all employees that have been updated since this time | No | dateTime in format of ISO DateTime Format: yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSSZ, e.g. “2000-10-31T01:30:00.000-05:00”. |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success | PagedEmployeeResponse |
404 | No employees found (for this page) |
Create Absence budget for an Employee
curl '{id}/absencebudgets -X POST' -d '{"year":2018}'
Description: Create the budget for absence for a particular employee
Name | Description | Required | Schema |
id | The ID of employee to update | Yes | string |
Create time tracking Request
curl '{id}/timetracking -X POST '
"projectId" : "_3PSTCjfM7B2qg5Az6wuRVg_",
"startDate": "2019-10-24",
"endDate": "2019-10-24",
"startTime": "09:50",
"endTime": "18:55",
"total" : "",
"breakTime" : "30",
"comment" : "",
"status" : "REQUESTED",
"categories": [
POST /employees/{id}/timetracking
Description: Add new time tracking request to an Employee. the allowed status while creation are EDITABLE, REQUESTED.
Name | Description | Required | Schema |
body | Time Tracking Request for Employee | Yes | TimeTrackingCreateRequest |
Code | Description | Schema |
201 | The submitted Time tracking request has been created | TimeTrackingCreateResponse |
400 | The submitted Time tracking request is invalid | |
403 | Invalid permissions. The key you are using is incorrect, or only has read access granted |
Update time Tracking Request
curl '{employee_id}/timetracking/{id} -X PATCH'
"projectId" : "_3PSTCjfM7B2qg5Az6wuRVg_",
"startDate": "2019-10-24",
"endDate": "2019-10-24",
"startTime": "08:00",
"endTime": "17:30",
"total": 510,
"breakTime" : 30,
"comment" : "Time tracking request #1",
"categories": [
PATCH employees/{employee_id}/timetracking/{id}
Description: Update the details of a specific time Tracking Request. This will only update the fields that are sent,
Name | Description | Required | Schema |
employee_id | The owner employee Id of the time tracking request. | Yes | string |
id | the ID of the time Tracking request to be updated. | Yes | string |
status | the target time tracking status | Yes | TimeTrackingStatus |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success | |
400 | Invalid ID supplied | |
404 | Employee not found |
Update the status of time Tracking Request
curl '{employee_id}/timetracking/{id}/{status} -X PATCH'
PATCH employees/{employee_id}/timetracking/{id}/{status}
Description: Update the status of the request to one of the following values: REQUESTED, APPROVED, REJECTED.
Name | Description | Required | Schema |
employee_id | The owner employee Id of the time tracking request. | Yes | string |
id | the ID of the time Tracking request to be updated. | Yes | string |
status | the target time tracking status | Yes | TimeTrackingStatus |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success | |
400 | Invalid ID supplied | |
404 | Employee or time tracking request not found |
Get Time tracking request
curl '{employee_id}/timetracking/{id}'
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"projectId" : "_3PSTCjfM7B2qg5Az6wuRVg_",
"status" : "REQUESTED",
"endTime": "18:55",
"totalTimeInMinutes" : "",
"breakTimeInMinutes" : "30",
"comment" : "",
"categories": [
Description: Get time tracking request for employee by ID.
GET /employees/{employee_id}/timetracking/{id}
Name | Description | Required | Schema |
employee_id | The owner employee Id of the time tracking request. | Yes | string |
id | the id of the requested time Tracking | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success | TimeTracking |
404 | Employee not found or Request Id Not Found |
Get employees' time tracking requests
curl '{employee_id}/timetracking -X GET'
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"links": [],
"data": [
"id": "_vnU2kfgMtfJlNApQm0uZdw_",
"employeeId": "_3PSTCjfM7B2qg5Az6wuRVg_",
"projectId": null,
"requestDate": "2019-09-25",
"startTime": "09:50",
"endTime": "24:00",
"totalTimeInMinutes": 790,
"breakTimeInMinutes": 60,
"comment": "",
"status": "APPROVED",
"categories": [
"id": "_xelst4ASGYOfEf30Qr_bMQ_",
"name": "new category",
"status": "ACTIVE"
"meta": {
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 1,
"count": 1
Find all employees's time tracking requests in a sorted, paginated list by zero or more of the specified filters
GET /employees/{employee_id}/timetracking
Description: Returns a list of employees' time tracking requests with limited fields
Name | Description | Required | Schema |
page | The current page number. Zero-indexed, so the first page is 0 | No | integer |
pageSize | How many items are in each page | No | integer |
status | the time tracking request status to filter with | No | string |
requestDate | the time tracking request start date to filter with | No | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success | PagedTimeTrackingRequest |
404 | No time tracking requests found for the given employee Id |
Get Time tracking projects
curl '{employee_id}/timetracking/projects'
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"id": "_t22XLGQkdeRvWb1JK_RTMA_",
"name": "testing ",
"status": "ACTIVE"
Description: Get time tracking request for employee.
GET /employees/{employee_id}/timetracking/projects
Name | Description | Required | Schema |
employee_id | The employee Id to list the projects for. | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success | Project List |
404 | Employee not found |
Get all shifts for an employee
curl '{employee_id}/shifts' -X GET
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 200,
"totalItems": 2,
"totalPages": 1,
"data": [
"id": "_XjAmqPKx5SdmM-KlbHQTQA_",
"startTime": "2019-01-02T08:00:00",
"endTime": "2019-01-02T17:00:00",
"status": "PUBLISHED"
"id": "_XjAmqPKx5SdmM-KlbHQTQA_",
"startTime": "2019-01-03T08:00:00",
"endTime": "2019-01-03T17:00:00",
"status": "DRAFT"
Description: Get all shifts for an employee
GET /employees/{employee_id}/shifts/
Name | Description | Required | Schema |
employee_id | The employee Id to get all shifts | Yes | string |
startDate | Start date for search | Yes | ISO Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd |
endDate | End date for search | Yes | ISO Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success | PagedShiftResponse |
404 | Employee not found |
Company Information
Get Company info
curl ' -X GET'
"links": [],
"data": [
"id": "_XjAmqPKx5SdmM-KlbHQTQA_",
"name": "Awesome HR company",
"customAttributes": [
"id": "_9X8jV4qypU6As7SlyBtT8w_",
"name": "test attribute",
"type": "STRING",
"category": "PERSON_BASIC_DATA"
Description: Returns the company info. This API also returns the custom Attributes defined. The ID of the customAttributes is used for creating/updating the employees with the value.
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success | CompanyResponse |
Get Organizations
curl ' -X GET'
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"data": [
"headsOfUnit": null,
"pathName": "HeavenHR",
"children": [
"name": "HeavenHR",
"id": "_WBMlOvhvkQ-7ABKJ9aK4Nw_"
} ]
Traverse the hierarchical structure of a company
Get /company/organizations
Description: Returns the company structure tree
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success | PagedOrganizationResponse |
404 | No company organization structure information found (for this page) |
Get locations
curl ' -X GET'
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"totalItems": 1,
"totalPages": 1,
"data": [
"city": "Berlin",
"id": "_WBMlOvhvkQ-7ABKJ9aK4Nw_",
"name": "Berlin Office",
"country": "Germany"
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 0
Find all locations for a company
GET /company/locations
Description: Returns a list of locations
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
page | The current page number. Zero-indexed, so the first page is 0 | No | integer | |
pageSize | How many items are in each page | No | integer |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success | PagedLocationResponse |
404 | No location information found (for this page) |
Get costcenters
curl ' -X GET'
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 200,
"totalItems": 2,
"totalPages": 1,
"data": [
"id": "_Lg9ISEggCDLw9Lj6motG1Q_",
"number": "1485",
"name": "Marketing",
"employeeCount": 5
"id": "_84_UGt4Ljku6i7Ka15XO1Q_",
"number": "1359",
"name": "Sales",
"employeeCount": 7
Find all the cost centers for a company
GET /company/cost-centers
Description: Returns a list of cost centers
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
page | The current page number. Zero-indexed, so the first page is 0 | No | integer | |
pageSize | How many items are in each page | No | integer |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | successful operation | PagedCostCenterResponse |
404 | No cost center information found (for this page) |
Get detailed shift
curl '{shift_id}' -X GET
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"id": "_XjAmqPKx5SdmM-KlbHQTQA_",
"breakInMinutes": 60,
"totalInMinutes": 480,
"type": {
"id": "_5Q8jY0qypU3Fs7PlyUtJ3w_",
"name": "Day Shift",
"status": "ACTIVE"
"startTime": "2019-01-02T08:00:00",
"endTime": "2019-01-02T17:00:00",
"assignedUsers": [
"status": "PUBLISHED",
"orgaUnits": [
"occupations": [
"name": "Hoster",
"count": 3
"shortHanded": false
Description: Get detailed shift
GET /company/shifts/{shift_id}
Name | Description | Required | Schema |
shift_id | The shift Id desired. | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success | ShiftDetail |
404 | Shift not found |
Get shifts
curl '' -X GET
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 200,
"totalItems": 2,
"totalPages": 1,
"data": [
"id": "_XjAmqPKx5SdmM-KlbHQTQA_",
"startTime": "2019-01-02T08:00:00",
"endTime": "2019-01-02T17:00:00",
"assignedUsers": [
"status": "PUBLISHED"
"id": "_XjAmqPKx5SdmM-KlbHQTQA_",
"startTime": "2019-01-03T08:00:00",
"endTime": "2019-01-03T17:00:00",
"assignedUsers": [
"status": "DRAFT"
Description: Returns a list of shifts
GET /company/shifts/
Name | Description | Required | Schema |
startDate | Start date for search | Yes | ISO Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd |
endDate | End date for search | Yes | ISO Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd |
status | The status of the shift. Default value is PUBLISHED | No | string Values: DRAFT or PUBLISHED |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success | PagedShiftCompanyResponse |
403 | Invalid permissions. The key you are using is incorrect, or only has read access granted |
Get categories
curl '' -X GET
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 200,
"totalItems": 2,
"totalPages": 1,
"data": [
"id": "_xelst4ASGYOfEf30Qr_bMQ_",
"name": "new category",
"status": "ACTIVE"
"id": "_bJunkaJUb68E-Yn7y5ya6Q_",
"name": "neu Kategorie",
"status": "ACTIVE"
Description: Returns a list of categories for time tracking
GET company/timetracking/categories
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
page | The current page number. Zero-indexed, so the first page is 0 | No | integer | |
pageSize | How many items are in each page | No | integer |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success | PagedCategoriesResponse |
403 | Invalid permissions. The key you are using is incorrect, or only has read access granted |
Get Company Payroll Periods
curl ' -X GET'
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 1000,
"totalItems": 2,
"totalPages": 1,
"data": [
"id": "_WBMlOvhvkQ-7ABKJ9aK4Nw_",
"dateStart": "2018-04-01",
"dateEnd": "2018-04-30",
"status": "OPEN"
"id": "_fGoS4__ElNagsberYKfYJQ_",
"dateStart": "2018-03-01",
"dateEnd": "2018-03-31",
"status": "CLOSED"
GET /payroll/payrollperiod
Description: Get all the payroll periods for a company, the current and the closed
Name | Description | Required | Schema |
page | The current page number. Zero-indexed, so the first page is 0 | No | integer |
pageSize | How many items are in each page | No | integer |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | PagedPayrollPeriodResponse |
403 | Invalid permissions. The key you are using is incorrect, or do not have permissions for that operation |
Get Sub Company Payroll Periods
curl '{subcompany_id}/payrollperiod -X GET'
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 1000,
"totalItems": 2,
"totalPages": 1,
"data": [
"id": "_fGoS4__ElNniBaWsEKfYJQ_",
"dateStart": "2018-04-01",
"dateEnd": "2018-04-30",
"status": "OPEN"
"id": "_9X8jV4qypU6As7SlyBtT8w_",
"dateStart": "2018-03-01",
"dateEnd": "2018-03-31",
"status": "CLOSED"
GET /payroll/{subcompany_id}/payrollperiod
Description: Get all the payroll periods for a sub company, the current and the closed
Name | Description | Required | Schema |
subcompany_id | The ID of the sub company | Yes | string |
page | The current page number. Zero-indexed, so the first page is 0 | No | integer |
pageSize | How many items are in each page | No | integer |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | PagedPayrollPeriodResponse |
403 | Invalid permissions. The key you are using is incorrect, or do not have permissions for that operation |
Get Payroll Period Salary Details
curl '{payrolperiod_id}/salary -X GET'
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 1000,
"totalItems": 2,
"totalPages": 1,
"data": [
"employeeId": "_dK4xhpkYvXCjlMcmppVRdg_",
"firstName": "Max",
"lastName": "Musterman",
"personelNumber": "1001",
"salary": {
"fixedSalary": 1500000000,
"others": 301
"employeeId": "_rT6xhpkPvYBjlZcrhgQAfw_",
"firstName": "Fernanda",
"lastName": "Fructuoso",
"personelNumber": "1002",
"salary": {
"fixedSalary": 1600000000,
"others": 400
GET /payroll/payrollperiod/{payrollperiod_id}/salary
Description: Get all the salary details for a payroll period
Name | Description | Required | Schema |
payrolperiod_id | The ID of the payroll period | Yes | string |
page | The current page number. Zero-indexed, so the first page is 0 | No | integer |
pageSize | How many items are in each page | No | integer |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | PagedPayrollPeriodSalaryDetailsresponse |
403 | Invalid permissions. The key you are using is incorrect, or do not have permissions for that operation | |
404 | No payroll period found for the given ID |
Get Vacancy
curl '{vacancy_id} -X GET'
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"data": [
"id": "_c4mWzU4vUb_U6PV0yxQl_g_",
"jobTitle": "Head of Sales",
"description": "<p>Position to be the Head of our sales department.</p>",
"employmentTypes": [
"numberOfOpenings": 1,
"location": "Brussles",
"department": "Sales",
"publicationDate": "2019-02-11",
"numberOfApplicants": 0,
"companyId": "_Jn4W-x3rvGß0Rk-CwYUYYA_",
"status": "PUBLISHED",
"fieldOfWork": "SERVICE",
"positionType": "MANAGER",
"seniority": "SENIOR",
"employmentStartDate": "2019-06-11",
"hiringOrganization": "Company Z4",
"qualifications": "<p>Masters Degrees in Sales Management</p>",
"responsibilities": "<p>Entire department<p>",
"incentives": "<p>Bus ticket<p>",
"contact": "contact info goes here"
GET /positions/public/vacancies/{vacancy_id}
Description: Find vacancy by ID and return all the vacancy details
Name | Description | Required | Schema |
vacancy_id | The ID of the vacancy | Yes | string |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | PublicVacancy |
403 | Invalid permissions. The key you are using is incorrect, or do not have permissions for that operation | |
404 | No vacancy found for the given ID |
Get All Vacancies
curl ' -X GET'
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"data": [
"id": "_rW4JzrNQIs8LuqHXliwlaA_",
"email": "",
"jobTitle": "Full-stack web developer",
"employmentTypes": [
"location": "Paris",
"department": "IT",
"publicationDate": "2019-01-03",
"status": "PUBLISHED",
"industry": "PRINT MEDIA",
"fieldOfWork": "SERVICE",
"positionType": "FULL-TIME",
"seniority": "MANAGER",
"employmentStartDate": "2019-07-01",
"hiringOrganization": "<p>Company X</p>",
"qualifications": "<p>Java 8</p>",
"responsibilities": "<p>Code, test, deploy</p>",
"incentives": "<p>free coffee</p>",
"contact": "contact information goes here"
"id": "_S2fzaC9XFKXrqy9adYBLGg_",
"email": "",
"jobTitle": "Sales Manager",
"employmentTypes": [
"location": "Brussles",
"department": "Marketing and Sales",
"publicationDate": "2019-03-11",
"status": "PUBLISHED",
"fieldOfWork": "SERVICE",
"positionType": "MANAGER",
"seniority": "SENIOR",
"employmentStartDate": "2019-03-11",
"hiringOrganization": "Company X",
"qualifications": "<p>Masters Degrees in Sales Management</p>",
"responsibilities": "<p>Entire department</p>",
"incentives": "<p>Bus ticket</p>",
"contact": "contact information goes here"
GET /positions/public/vacancies/
Description: Find all the vacancy according of the required parameters
Name | Description | Required | Schema |
companyId | Your company ID | Yes | string |
sortBy | No | string | |
page | The current page number. Zero-indexed, so the first page is 0 | No | integer |
pageSize | How many items are in each page. Default value is 10 | No | integer |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | PublicVacancy |
403 | Invalid permissions. The key you are using is incorrect, or do not have permissions for that operation |
Vacation & Absence
Get Vacation and Absence Types
curl ' -X GET'
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"data": [
"typeId": "1",
"type": "Urlaub",
"vacationType": "HOLIDAY",
"colorCode": "#cddc39",
"typeId": "2",
"type": "Unbezahlter Urlaub",
"vacationType": "UNPAIDLEAVE",
"colorCode": "#fdd835",
GET company/absences/types/
Description: Find all the absence types for the company.
Name | Description | Required | Schema |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | AbsenceType |
403 | Invalid permissions. The key you are using is incorrect, or do not have permissions for that operation |
Get Company Vacations and Absences
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"data": [
"employeeId": "1",
"firstName": "Jurgen",
"lastName": "Klopp",
"startDate": "2019-07-01",
"endDate": "2019-07-07",
"budgetUsed": true,
"numberOfDays": 5,
"absenceType": "ILLNESS",
"status": "APPROVED",
"exceedBudget": false,
"departmentId": 1,
"comments": [
"companyId": "1",
"ownerId": "1",
"ownerType": "ABSENCE_REQUEST",
"userId": "1",
"userFullName": "Admin",
"text": "this is a sample comment\n",
"creationDate": "2019-06-13T12:58:12.152"
"meta": {
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 1,
"count": 1
GET company/absences/
Name | Description | Required | Schema |
startDate | Start date | Yes | Format is YYYY-MM-DD |
endDate | End date | Yes | Format is YYYY-MM-DD |
status | One or more of these statuses. PLANNED, REQUESTED, APPROVED, REJECTED, WITHDRAWN | Yes | |
page | The current page number. Zero-indexed, so the first page is 0 | Yes | integer |
pageSize | How many items are in each page. Default value is 10 | Yes | integer |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | AbsenceRecord |
403 | Invalid permissions. The key you are using is incorrect, or do not have permissions for that operation |
Get Employee Vacations and Absences
curl '{employee_id}/absences/?page=0&pageSize=100&startDate=2019-07-01&endDate=2019-07-30&status=REJECTED,APPROVED -X GET'
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"data": [
"employeeId": "1",
"firstName": "Jurgen",
"lastName": "Klopp",
"startDate": "2019-07-01",
"endDate": "2019-07-07",
"budgetUsed": true,
"numberOfDays": 5,
"absenceType": "ILLNESS",
"status": "APPROVED",
"exceedBudget": false,
"departmentId": 1,
"comments": [
"companyId": "1",
"ownerId": "1",
"ownerType": "ABSENCE_REQUEST",
"userId": "1",
"userFullName": "Admin",
"text": "this is a sample comment\n",
"creationDate": "2019-06-13T12:58:12.152"
"meta": {
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 1,
"count": 1
GET employees/{employee_id}/absences/
Description: Find all the absences and vacations for the employee according to the provided parameters.
Name | Description | Required | Schema |
employeeId | Employee Id | Yes | string |
startDate | Start date Format is YYYY-MM-DD | Yes | date |
endDate | End date Format is YYYY-MM-DD | Yes | date |
status | One or more of these statuses. PLANNED, REQUESTED, APPROVED, REJECTED, WITHDRAWN | Yes | string |
page | The current page number. Zero-indexed, so the first page is 0 | Yes | integer |
pageSize | How many items are in each page. Default value is 10 | Yes | integer |
Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successful operation | AbsenceRecord |
403 | Invalid permissions. The key you are using is incorrect, or do not have permissions for that operation |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | No | |
string | Yes |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
gender | string | No | |
professionalEmail | string | The professional email of the employee | No |
string | The private email of the employee | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | No | |
firstName | string | No | |
lastName | string | No | |
employeeNumber | string | No | |
jobStatus | string | No | |
updatedAt | dateTime | No | |
departmentName | string | No | |
departmentId | string | No | |
string | Yes |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
gender | string | No | |
professionalEmail | string | No | |
string | Yes | ||
firstName | string | Yes | |
lastName | string | Yes | |
phonePersonal | string | No | |
mobileWork | string | No | |
streetPersonal | string | Home address street | No |
streetNumberPersonal | string | Home address number | No |
dateOfBirth | date | Format is YYYY-MM-DD | No |
nationality | string | No | |
additionalContractInformation | string | This field is a free text field for any comments on the contract. | No |
employeeNumber | string | This is a unique employee number | No |
jobStatus | string | No | |
jobTitle | string | No | |
occupation | string | No | |
locationId | string | This is the id of the location from the endpoint /company/locations | Yes |
permanentOrTemporary | string | This is whether the employee is fixed contract or has a temporary contract | No |
employmentType | string | No | |
startDate | date | Format is YYYY-MM-DD | No |
endOfContract | date | Format is YYYY-MM-DD | No |
fullTimeOrPartTime | string | No | |
costCenterId | string | The id of the cost centre the employee belongs to. This is the id from the endpoint /company/cost-centers | No |
departmentId | string | The id of the department the employee belongs to. This is the id from the /company/organizations | No |
sendOnboardingEmail | boolean | If you want to send onboarding email for the employee, default is False | No |
customerAttributes | Array | Custom attributes defined for employees on company level | No |
contract | Contract | Contract details for the employee | No |
workSchedule | WorkSchedule | Create a work schedule for the employee | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
errors | [ object ] | No | |
employee | EmployeeCreated | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
page | integer | No | |
pageSize | integer | No | |
totalItems | long | No | |
totalPages | integer | No | |
data | [ EmployeeSimple ] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | No | |
name | string | No | |
customAttributes | [ CustomAttributes ] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | No | |
name | string | No | |
type | string | No | |
category | string | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | No | |
name | string | No | |
pathName | string | No | |
headsOfUnit | [ string ] | No | |
children | [ Organization ] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
page | integer | No | |
pageSize | integer | No | |
totalItems | long | No | |
totalPages | integer | No | |
data | [ Organization ] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | No | |
name | string | No | |
city | string | No | |
country | string | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
page | integer | No | |
pageSize | integer | No | |
totalItems | long | No | |
totalPages | integer | No | |
data | [ Location ] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | No | |
name | string | No | |
number | string | No | |
employeeCount | integer | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
page | integer | No | |
pageSize | integer | No | |
totalItems | long | No | |
totalPages | integer | No | |
data | [ CostCenter ] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
projectId | string | time tracking project Id | No |
startDate | string | Request Start Date | Yes |
endDate | string | Request End Date | Yes |
startTime | string | Yes | |
endTime | string | Yes | |
totalTimeInMinutes | string | No | |
breakTimeInMinutes | string | No | |
comment | string | No | |
status | string | No | |
categories | string | List of categories Ids | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
timeTracking | TimeTrackingCreateResponse | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | Yes | |
projectId | string | time tracking project Id | No |
requestDate | string | Request Date | Yes |
startTime | string | Yes | |
endTime | string | Yes | |
totalTimeInMinutes | string | No | |
breakTimeInMinutes | string | No | |
comment | string | No | |
status | string | Request Status | Yes |
categories | string | List of categories Ids | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | time tracking project id | Yes |
name | string | time tracking project name | Yes |
status | string | Project Status | Yes |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
status | string | Time tracking Status has to be one of the following values REQUESTED, APPROVED, REJECTED | Yes |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
page | integer | No | |
pageSize | integer | No | |
count | integer | No | |
data | [ TimeTrackingRequest ] | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
grossSalary | double | Gross salary | Yes |
settlementPeriodSalary | string | Settlement period for the salary | Yes |
holidaysPerYear | string | Numbers of holidays per year | Yes |
workingHoursPerWeek | string | Working hours per week | Yes |
probationPeriod | string | Probation period duration | Yes |
noticePeriodDuringProbation | string | Notice period during probation duration | Yes |
noticePeriodDuringProbationStart | string | Yes |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
scheduledDate | date | Start date of the work schedule. Pattern: yyyy-MM-dd | Yes |
days | Day | List of days for the work schedule | Yes |
defaultSchedule | boolean | If is the default work schedule of the employee | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
dayOfWeek | string | The day of the week | Yes |
worktimeInMinutes | integer | Work time in minutes for the day | Yes |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
page | integer | The current page number. Zero-indexed, so the first page is 0 | No |
pageSize | integer | How many items are in each page | No |
totalItems | long | How many items were found in total | No |
totalPages | integer | Total number of pages | No |
data | [PayrollPeriod] | List of payroll periods | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | Id of the payroll period | No |
dateStart | date | The start date of the payroll period | No |
dateEnd | date | The end date of the payrolld period | No |
status | string | Status of the payroll period, status has one of the two values OPEN, CLOSED | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
page | integer | The current page number. Zero-indexed, so the first page is 0 | No |
pageSize | integer | How many items are in each page | No |
totalItems | long | How many items were found in total | No |
totalPages | integer | Total number of pages | No |
data | [SalaryDetails] | List of all salary detials for the payroll period | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
employeeId | string | No | |
firstName | string | No | |
personelNumber | string | No | |
salary | [Salary] | Salary details | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
fixedSalary | long | No | |
others | long | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
page | integer | The current page number. Zero-indexed, so the first page is 0 | No |
pageSize | integer | How many items are in each page | No |
totalItems | long | How many items were found | No |
totalPages | integer | The total number of pages | No |
data | [Shift] | List of shifts | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | Id of the shift | Yes |
startTime | dateTime | Date and time when the shift started | Yes |
endTime | dateTime | Date and time when the shift ended | Yes |
status | string | The status can be one of the two values DRAFT or PUBLISHED | Yes |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
page | integer | The current page number. Zero-indexed, so the first page is 0 | No |
pageSize | integer | How many items are in each page | No |
totalItems | long | How many items were found | No |
totalPages | integer | The total number of pages | No |
data | [CompanyShift] | List of shifts | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | Id of the shift | No |
startTime | dateTime | Date and time when the shift started | No |
endTime | dateTime | Date and time when the shift ended | No |
assignedUsers | string | Assigned users Id list | No |
status | string | The status can be one of the two values DRAFT or PUBLISHED | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | Id of the shift | No |
breakInMinutes | long | No | |
totalInMinutes | long | No | |
type | [ShiftType] | No | |
startTime | dateTime | Date and time when the shift started | No |
endTime | dateTime | Date and time when the shift ended | No |
assignedUsers | string | Assigned users Id list | No |
status | string | The status can be one of the two values DRAFT or PUBLISHED | No |
orgaUnits | string | Ids of applicable organization units | No |
occupations | [Occupation] | List of occupations | No |
shortHanded | boolean | If the shift is short handed | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | Id of the type | No |
name | string | Name of the shift type | No |
status | string | Status has one of the following values ACTIVE, INACTIVE, ARCHIVED | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | Name of the occupation | No |
count | integer | Amount of the occupation | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
page | integer | The current page number. Zero-indexed, so the first page is 0 | No |
pageSize | integer | How many items are in each page | No |
totalItems | long | How many items were found | No |
totalPages | integer | The total number of pages | No |
data | [Category] | List of categories | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | Id of the category | No |
name | string | Name of the category | No |
status | string | Status has one of the following values ACTIVE, INACTIVE, ARCHIVED | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | Id of the category | No |
string | No | ||
jobTitle | string | No | |
employmentTypes | [EmploymentType] | A list of EmploymentType | No |
location | string | The location of the vacancy | No |
department | string | The department name | No |
publicationDate | date | No | |
status | [VacancyStatus] | The status of the Vacancy | No |
industry | [Industry] | No | |
fieldOfWork | [FieldOfwork] | No | |
positionType | [PositionType] | No | |
seniority | [Seniority] | No | |
employmentStartDate | date | The date the employee should start | No |
hiringOrganization | string | No | |
qualifications | string | No | |
responsibilities | string | No | |
incentives | string | No | |
contact | string | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | string | Id of the public vacancy | No |
jobTitle | string | No | |
description | string | No | |
employmentTypes | [EmploymentType] | A list of EmploymentType | No |
numberOfOpenings | integer | No | |
location | string | The location of the vacancy | No |
department | string | The department name | No |
publicationDate | date | No | |
numberOfApplicants | integer | No | |
companyId | string | No | |
status | [VacancyStatus] | The status of the Vacancy | No |
industry | [Industry] | No | |
fieldOfWork | [FieldOfwork] | No | |
positionType | [PositionType] | No | |
seniority | [Seniority] | No | |
employmentStartDate | date | The date the employee should start | No |
hiringOrganization | string | No | |
qualifications | string | No | |
responsibilities | string | No | |
incentives | string | No | |
contact | string | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
status | string | VacancyStatus has one of the following values DRAFT, PUBLISHED, ARCHIVED | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | Type of the industry examples: Oil, It, Telecommunications | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | Field of work for the vacancy examples: Logistics, Law, Service, Sales | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | The required seniority for the vacancy | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
typeId | string | The id of the absence type | No |
type | string | The type of absence | No |
vacationType | string | The vacation type for the absence. HOLIDAY, UNPAIDLEAVE, OVERTIME, ILLNESS, SPECIALLEAVE | No |
colorCode | string | Color code for the absence | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
employeeId | string | The id of the employee | No |
firstName | string | The first name of the employee | No |
lastName | string | The last of the employee | No |
startDate | date | The date when the absence was started | No |
endDate | date | The date when the absence was ended | No |
budgetUsed | double | Budget of the absences that was used for this absence | No |
numberOfDays | double | Number of days of absence | No |
absenceType | string | Type of absence | No |
status | string | Status of the absence. PLANNED, REQUESTED, APPROVED, REJECTED, WITHDRAWN | No |
comments | [Comment] | The comment for the absence | No |
departmentId | string | Department id of the employee | No |
exceedBudget | boolean | Budget was exceeeded or not for this absence | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
companyId | string | Company id for which comment was created | No |
ownerId | string | Owner id of the comment | No |
ownerType | string | Owner type of the comment | No |
userId | string | User id of the user | No |
userFullName | string | Name of the user who wrote this comment | No |
text | string | Text of the comment | No |
creationDate | date | The date when the comment was created | No |
The HeavenHR API uses the following error codes:
Error Code | Meaning |
400 | Bad Request -- Your request is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong. |
403 | Forbidden -- The API requested is hidden for administrators only. |
404 | Not Found -- The specified entity could not be found. |
405 | Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access an API with an invalid method. |
406 | Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json. |
429 | Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many Information! Slow down! |
500 | Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later. |
503 | Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later. |